Frequently Asked Questions


How do I contact You?

I can be contacted through my offices at 519 J Avenue and 905 G Avenue, Nevada, IA 50201, by telephone or text message at (515) 290-6349, or via email at I can also be contacted via my website at

WHat is hypnosis?

All hypnosis is guided self-hypnosis. Hypnosis’s primary aim is self-healing and self change. My role is to assist you in achieving the natural states of mind where healing and change best happen. When paired with a client’s belief and desire to change, hypnosis is a useful and powerful tool for tapping into the awesome power of the human mind. Together we will address the issues you’d like assistance with. I look forward to facilitating sessions that will best meet your needs, that will help you through any blockages or hurdles that stand in your way, and that will assist you in achieving your goals in life!

What hypnosis is not:

Hypnosis is not talk therapy and does not include diagnosing, prescribing or advising. These actions would be left to other professionals licensed to counsel, diagnose or prescribe.

Hypnosis is not about control. I cannot force you to do or say anything you do not want to do or say.

Hypnosis is not a truth serum. If you want to tell me what I ask, you can tell me. If you do not want to share, then that is your choice. I cannot force you to do or say anything you do not want to do or say.

Hypnosis cannot, and should not, stand alone as the sole medical or psychological intervention for any disorder. Hypnosis should not be used instead of appropriate medical, dental, or psychological treatment, and any individual with a medical or psychological problem should first consult a qualified health care provider for diagnosis and professional advice.

Hypnosis is not something you can be ‘stuck’ in. Being ‘stuck’ in hypnosis is something that only happens in the movies. You are in control, you may decide to open your eyes at the end of the session when asked to do so. It is up to you because you are in control. It’s impossible to be stuck in hypnosis.

Hypnosis is not a state of deep sleep but one of altered consciousness. There is a feeling of well-being, an ability to recall past events and the acceptance of new ideas that are not in conflict with personal values. There is also a higher threshold to pain. The hypnotic state is like meditation, where the body is relaxed but the mind has heightened awareness.

What is a Life Between Lives® Session?

Life Between Lives® Sessions pick up where Past Lives Regression leaves off. It answers questions about what happens after we die. Many describe it as a near-death experience without the death. While visiting the Spirit World, you can discover who you are and why you're here, meet your Spirit Guide and Soul Family, receive guidance from your Council of Wise Elders, discover your soul's purpose for this life and all your lives, reconnect with deceased loved ones, discover what happens in the afterlife, visit the time between your most recent past life and this current incarnation, and receive feedback, words of wisdom and encouragement to finish this life's journey. Listen to this 11 minute video where Michael Newton himself explains more about what can be expected from a Life Between Lives® session.

A Life Between Lives® session is an extraordinarily life-changing experience. During your session you will visit the Spirit World! In order to journey there, you’ll first be regressed back to a couple of positive childhood memories, back to the womb, then back to your most recent past life or a significant past life. This life will be explored a bit, but not in depth because you’ll then be taken to the last day of this life so that you can then transition out of the human body and into Soul Self, to then be taken into the Spirit Realm. Extra time will then be given for you to fully absorb your experiences as you reintegrate back into Home. Your Eternal Home. It’s such an absolutely amazing experience. You can ask your Inner Self and Spirit Guides questions about any topic that you have questions about. A Life Between Lives® session will provide you with what you need, at the time in your life’s journey that you need it. It is truly a life-changing experience.

Please plan on a 4-6 hour window of uninterrupted time for a Life Between Lives® session. Sessions will be conducted at my 519 J Avenue office in Nevada, IA, in my home office space, online worldwide via Zoom or I am willing to come to your home locally if there’s a mutually known referral (a travel fee may apply depending on location).

Go to the Dr. Michael Newton Institute website to learn even more.

What is Past Life Regression?

I can regress you back to lives you have already lived in order to see, smell, feel, hear or know things that you’ve already experienced. You will be inspired by what comes up. You will heal by reliving and releasing (with my help and guidance) old traumas and hurts. You will rediscover talents and abilities you possess. You will be able to see and evaluate relationships with key people in your current life, and from a bigger perspective, address any lingering relationship issues. You can become aware of fears, sadness, anxieties and/or phobias that you used to have, so that together we can release them and their effect on your current life. You can ask your Inner Self and Spirit Guides questions about any topic that you have questions about. A past life regression session will provide you with what you need, at the time in your life’s journey that you need it. It truly is an amazing experience. Please plan on a 3-4 hour window of uninterrupted time for a past life regression session. Sessions will be conducted at my 519 J Avenue office in Nevada, IA, in my home office space, online worldwide via Zoom or I am willing to come to your home locally if there’s a mutually known referral (a travel fee may apply depending on location).

Can Hypnosis help me Become a nonsmoker?

Absolutely. If you believe that it can and you are finally ready and willing to give up cigarettes/tobacco/nicotine/vaping. Before I take you on as a stop-smoking client, however, you must be willing and ready to quit. Anything less than this level of readiness would be a waste of our time, not to mention your money. Your spouse’s, boss’s or child’s desire for you to quit is not enough. You must make the commitment yourself. Once you’ve done this, I would love to assist you in reaching your goals!

Can Hypnosis help me reach my weight reduction goals?

Tired of carrying around extra pounds? Tired of diets that don’t work? Hypnosis may be the answer for you.

While hypnosis doesn’t work miracles and it’s not a magic bullet, it is a deep state of relaxation and intense mental focus that can help you re-program old attitudes and beliefs about eating and maintaining a healthy weight. While you’re in a state of hypnosis, your subconscious mind is more available to you and more open to receive suggestions that will become a natural part of new behaviors. Suggestions to your subconscious mind bypass the critical mind, which you use day-to-day, and go straight to the part of the mind that controls habits. This allows you to go through with any changes you have decided to make in your life. Some of the messages seem pretty simple, and they are. It’s just where they reside that makes the difference. Suggestions such as “you eat only in response to your body’s natural need for food as fuel,” or “you feel completely satisfied with three small nutritious meals a day,” or “your enjoyment of a regular exercise program grows each time you visit the gym,” will assist you in reaching your goals. Repetition of these suggestions can boost your determination and enhance your conscious willpower, when you desire change. However, hypnosis alone is not enough. It takes a combination of behavioral modification and understanding to achieve a permanent healthy eating pattern. For example, we can work together to figure out why you are eating when you are not hungry and then go on to work together to begin to change that behavior. It is best to wait with hypnosis until you’ve experienced at least 6 solid weeks of momentum in making and maintaining lifestyle changes in the areas of healthier diet and increased movement and activity in your days.

Who can be hypnotized?

Most people can be hypnotized, and different people go into hypnosis in different ways. Part of the hypnotist's job is to identify what approach will work best for which subject. Those who have trouble trusting the hypnotist or the process, may take more time to go into a hypnotic state, and may not enjoy as many benefits. There is a common idea that those with a strong will cannot be hypnotized. It has been shown that intelligent people can be hypnotized faster because they have greater access to their imagination, and can follow instructions. The biggest prerequisite to someone being able to be hypnotized is their willingness and belief.

What about Stage Hypnosis?

Sometimes hypnosis is feared, because often the view of the subject surrendering their 'will' is reinforced by stage hypnotism. It is helpful to remember that stage hypnotists design their shows for entertainment purposes, which include participants doing strange things. What people don't realize is that the stage hypnotist chooses only those audience members who are highly suggestible, and may have a desire to have a "different" or less inhibited experience of themselves. In a hypnotic state, people can give themselves permission to do many things that they may not otherwise be willing to do.

How can hypnosis help me?

Hypnosis helps change attitudes, which is the key to changing behavior. With hypnosis, a person is empowered and made independent enough to solve his/her own problems. With hypnosis, a person can change behaviors that would otherwise seem difficult, if not impossible, to change otherwise.

If you can think it, and believe it, hypnosis can help make it so.


1) I was trained in hypnotism by Mark Johnson, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Certified Master Trainer of Good Vibes Hypnosis of Dallas, Texas. He is accredited by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. He received the 2016 Educator of the Year award from The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) when they honored his achievements at their annual Hypnotherapy Conference in Daytona Beach.

2) I am a Certified Member of The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) and I complete annual continuing education to maintain my training at a high level. The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) is a premier association for holistic practitioners. IACT's membership includes medical practitioners, psychologists, clinical social workers, coaches, stress consultants, NLP practitioners, clergy, licensed massage therapists, hypnotists, hypnotherapists, biofeedback specialists, nutritionists, educators, mental health therapists, substance abuse counselors and others in the helping, healing arts. Training requirements for Certified Instructors of IACT mandate a curriculum with a minimum of 220 hours of course instruction. The training hours include physical classroom attendance, internship, supervised practice, homework, reading assignments, and research.

3) I am certified and endorsed by the Michael Newton Institute. The Michael Newton Institute (MNI), founded by Dr. Michael Newton, is a global network of over 200 LBL Facilitators who hold his vision for humanity and carry on his passion for researching the Afterlife and bringing the evolving modality of LBL hypnotherapy to humanity. Its vision is for humanity to live the unconditional love and wisdom of Spiritual Consciousness. Its mission is to raise personal and collective consciousness, by bringing the healing and wisdom of Life Between Lives to individuals around the globe, reawakening their immortal identity and integrating Spiritual Consciousness.